Owning a Supplement Company: Is it Profitable + How Much They Make


Owning a supplement company can be profitable if you know how to increase the profitability of your business. This article will explore how much supplement companies make and some tips on growing profits.


How Much Do Supplement Companies Make?

Supplement companies make a lot of money. The supplement industry is worth billions of dollars. However, a supplement company’s profit depends on several factors, such as operating costs and income potential.

The market share is relatively small for supplement companies. For example, in 2016, the top ten supplement companies only had a combined market share of 26.4%. However, this means there is room for small and medium-sized businesses to succeed in the industry.

The industry is worth an estimated $37 billion in the United States alone. The global market is expected to reach $278 billion by 2024.

The supplement industry is growing at a rapid pace. It is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. This is due to the increasing health consciousness of people around the globe.


Supplement Business Overview

A supplement business is a company that manufactures and sells dietary supplements. These products are designed to improve the health and well-being of those who take them. 

Supplement companies make money by selling their products to customers. Products include:

  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Herbs
  • Amino acids
  • Fatty acids
  • Proteins
  • Enzymes

Supplement customers include:

  • Bodybuilders
  • Athletes
  • Seniors
  • Vegetarians, pescatarians, and vegans
  • Pregnant women

For your business, you can start small with one or two supplements and a niche customer base. Then, scale the business or add new products. You can also focus on a specific health condition and market your supplements to people with that condition.

Remember that the FDA regulates health supplements. Therefore, companies must follow strict guidelines to market and sell their products.


Supplement Business Operating Costs

To be profitable, a supplement company must understand their operating costs. They can include raw materials, packaging, shipping, and marketing costs. These costs can be significant, and they can eat into profits.

The average is about 30¢ per bottle of supplements sold. This means that a company would need to sell 100 bottles of supplements just to break even.


Supplement Business Income Potential

The income potential of a supplement business depends on how well the company can sell its products. A company with high sales will make more money than a company with low sales. In addition, a company can increase its sales by marketing its products effectively and pricing them competitively.

The average revenue for a supplement company ranges between $5 million and $10 million. The top companies in the industry make much more than this. For example, GNC had a revenue of $2.6 billion in 2016.


How to Increase Company Profits

There are several ways to increase the profitability of a supplement company. One way is to reduce operating costs. Another way is to increase sales.

To be profitable, a supplement company must understand their operating costs and how to reduce them. One way to do this is to source materials from suppliers who offer discounts for bulk orders. Another way to reduce costs is to automate production processes. Supplement companies can also save money by shipping products directly to customers instead of using a third-party fulfillment center.

A company can increase its sales by marketing its products effectively and pricing them competitively. You can market through online channels, such as social media and email marketing. You can also do it through offline channels, such as print and television advertising.



Owning a supplement company can be profitable if you know how to reduce operating costs and increase sales. The income potential of a supplement business depends on how well the company can sell its products. A company can increase its sales by marketing its products effectively and pricing them competitively.